Nothing But the Blood

What can wash a- way my sin? Nothing but the blood of Je-sus
What can make me whole a-gain? (rit.) Nothing but the blood...

For my par-don this I see- Nothing but the blood of Je-sus
For my cleans-ing this my plea Nothing but the blood of Je-sus

O! Pre-cious is the flow that makes me white as snow;
No oth-er fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Je-sus.

Noth-ing can for sin a-tone Nothing but the blood of Je-sus
Naught of good that I have done Nothing but the blood of Je-sus

O! Pre-cious is the flow that makes me white as snow;
No oth-er fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Je-sus.

This is all my hope and peace-Nothing but the blood of Je-sus
This is all my right-eous-ness Nothing but the blood of Je-sus

O! Pre-cious is the flow that makes me white as snow;
No oth-er fount I know, Nothing but the blood of Je-sus.

Love All-Consuming

Through a gap in the rain
His light reveals bloodstains
Fallen on the ground
Look up and we've found

Rushing through me

Death lost its power
In that sweet hour
I turned to you
I felt something new

Rushing through me

Satisfaction with life
Is just a new kind of strife
Our goals look so trite
When we see the light of

Rushing through me