Words: Traditional American Tune: Away in a Manger, James R. Murray G G G/A G/B C Am7 G 1 Away in a man-ger, no crib for a bed 2 The cattle are low-ing, the baby a - wakes, 3 Be near me Lord Je -sus! I ask Thee to stay D7 G C G 1 The little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head 2 The little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes. 3 Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. D7 G G G/A G/B C Am7 G 1 The stars in the sky - y looked down where He lay 2 I love Thee Lord Je - sus! Look down from the sky, 3 Bless all the dear child-ren in Thy ten - der care, D7 G G/A G/B Am D7 G 1 The little Lord Je - sus, a - sleep on the hay. 2 And stay by my side un - til morning is nigh. 3 And fit us for hea -ven, to live with Thee there. Unusual chords: G/A X00033 G/B X20033

O Come, All Ye Faithful

Words: John F. Wade 1743 (Latin), trans. Frederick Oakeley, 1841 Tune: Adeste Fideles, John F. Wade, 1743 G D D7 G D G C G D 1 O come, all ye faith-ful, joy -ful and tri-um - phant, 2 Sing choirs of an - gels, sing in ex - ul -ta - tion, 3 Yea, Lord we greet Thee, born this hap-py morn-ing, Em7 A7 D A7 D G D G D A7 D 1 O come ye, O co---ome ye to Be--ethle - hem 2 O sing all ye ci - ti -zens of hea-eaven a-bove, 3 O Je -sus, to thee-ee be all glo-ory given; G D7 G D7 G D G Em Am D 1 Come and be -hold Him, born the King of angels; 2 Glo -ry to God, all glo -ry in the highest; 3 Word of the Fa - ther, now in flesh ap -pearing; Refrain: G D G D7 G O come, let us a -dore Him, G D G D7 G D O come, let us a -dore Him, G D7 G D A7 D D7 G C G D7 G O come, let us a -dore Him, Christ the Lord.

Good Christian Men, Rejoice!

D G D G D G D G A Good Christian men, re-joice, with heart and soul and voice; D G A D A7 D G D A7 Bm A D Give ye heed to what we say: Jesus Christ is born to-day; G A A7 D A7 Bm D G D A7 Bm A D Earth and heav’n be-fore Him bow, and He is in the man-ger now. G A Bm A D G A D Christ is born to- day! Christ is born to- day! [Verse 2] D G D G D G D G A Good Christian men, re-joice, with heart and soul and voice; D G A D A7 D G D A7 Bm A D Now ye hear of end- less bliss: Jesus Christ was born for this! G A A7 D A7 Bm D G D A7 Bm A D He hath o-pened heav-en’s door, and man is bless-ed ev-er-more. G A Bm A D G A D Christ was born for this! Christ was born for this! [Verse 3] D G D G D G D G A Good Christian men, re-joice, with heart and soul and voice; D G A D A7 D G D A7 Bm A D Now ye need not fear the grave: Jesus Christ was born to save! G A A7 D A7 Bm D G D A7 Bm A D Calls you one and calls you all to gain His ev-er-last-ing hall. G A Bm A D G A D Christ was born to save! Christ was born to save!

We Three Kings

Words: John H. Hopkins, Jr. Tune: Kings of Orient, John H. Hopkins, Jr. Em B7 Em 1 We three kings of Orient are: 2 Born a King on Bethlehem's plain: 3 Frankincense to offer have I, 4 Myrrh is mine, its bitter per-fume 5 Glorious now be -hold Him a-rise: (Em) B7 Em 1 Bearing gifts we traverse a -far 2 Gold I bring to crown him a-gain, 3 Incense owns a Deity nigh; 4 Breathes a life of gathering gloom- 5 King and God and Sacri - fice; (Em) D G D7 G 1 Field and fountain, moor and moun-tain 2 King for - ever, ceasing ne - ver, 3 Prayer and praising, all men rais-ing, 4 Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dy - ing, 5 Alle - luia, Alle - lu - ia! Am Em B7 Em 1 Following yon - der star. 2 Over us all to reign. 3 Worship Him, God on high. 4 Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. 5 Sounds through the earth and skies. Chorus D7 D7sus4 G Em C G O-O star of wonder, star of night, (G) Em C G Star with royal beau-ty bright, Em D G C G D7 G Westward lead-ing, still pro-ceed-ing, (G) C G Guide us to thy perfect light.

O Sing A Song of Bethlehem

  Em     C        G/B  G/E D
O sing a song of  Beth-le  hem,
   G         Am       Dsus4  D
of shepherds watching there,
Em       C        G/B  G/E D
and of the news that came to them
   G         Am    Em
from angels in the air.
    Bm         Em       Am    G
The light that shone on Bethlehem
          G/A    G/B  Dsus4  D
fills all the world today.
   Em       C        G/B  G/E D
Of Jesus' birth and peace on earth
   G         Am    Em
the angels sing alway.

  Em     C        G/B  G/E D
O sing a song of Nazareth,
   G         Am       Dsus4  D
of sunny days of joy;
Em       C        G/B  G/E D
O sing of fragrant flowers' breath,
   G         Am    Em
and of the sinless boy.
    Bm         Em       Am    G
For now the flowers of Nazareth
          G/A    G/B  Dsus4  D
in every heart may grow.
   Em       C        G/B  G/E D
Now spreads the fame of his dear name
   G         Am    Em
on all the winds that blow.

  Em     C        G/B  G/E D
O sing a song of Galilee,
   G         Am       Dsus4  D
of lake and woods and hill,
Em       C        G/B  G/E D
of him who walked upon the sea
   G         Am    Em
and bade its waves be still.
    Bm         Em       Am    G
For though, like waves on Galilee,
          G/A    G/B  Dsus4  D
dark seas of trouble roll,
   Em       C        G/B  G/E D
when faith has heard the Master's word,
   G         Am    Em
falls peace upon the soul.

  Em     C        G/B  G/E D
O sing a song of Calvary,
   G         Am       Dsus4  D
its glory and dismay,
Em       C        G/B  G/E D
of him who hung upon the tree,
   G         Am    Em
and took our sins away.
    Bm         Em       Am    G
For he who died on Calvary
          G/A    G/B  Dsus4  D
is risen from the grave,
   Em       C        G/B  G/E D
and Christ, our Lord, by heaven adored,
   G         Am    Em
is mighty now to save.

What Child is This

   Words: William C. Dix
   Tune: Greensleeves, traditional English melody (before 1642)

   Em         Em/F# G         D         Bm
1  What Child is    this, who laid  to  rest 
2  Why  lies  He    in  such  mean  es -tate, 
3  So  bring  Him   incense,  gold, and myrrh, 

   F#dim Em       Am       B7
1  On    Mary's   lap, is  sleeping? 
2  Where ox  and  ass are  feeding? 
3  Come, peasant, king, to own Him; 

        Em     Em/F# G          D       Bm
1  Whom an  -  gels  greet with anthems sweet,
2  Good Christ-ian,  fear: for  sinners here 
3  The  King   of    kings sal -vation  brings; 

   F#dim Em        B7        Em
1  While shepherds watch are keeping?
2  The   silent    Word  is  pleading.
3  Let   loving    hearts en-throne Him.

   G             D
   This, this is Christ, the King,

   F#dim Em        Am        B7
   Whom  shepherds guard and angels sing: 

   G               D
   Haste, haste to bring Him laud, 

   F#dim Em    Am  B7     Em
   The   Babe, the Son of Mary!

Unusual Chords:
Em/F#: 2x2000
F#dim: xx1212

The First Noel

   Words: Traditional English Carol
   Tune: The First Noel, from Sandy's Christmas Carols, 1833

   G7   C     Am    G     G7    C   G   F     C
1  The  first no  - el    the   an -gel did   say
2  They look -ed    up    and   sa--aw  a     star 
3  And  by    the   light of    tha-at  same  star,
4  This star  drew  nigh  to    the-e   north-west,
5  Then en  - tered in    those wi--ise men   three
6  Then let   us    all   with  o---one ac  - cord

   G7      C       G9   C    F     G7     C         G7    C
1  Was to  certain poor shep-herds in     fields as they  lay
2  Shining in      the  ea---east  be  -  yond      them  far;
3  Three   wise    men  ca---ame   from a coun   -  try   far;
4  Over    Beth  - le - he---em    it     took      its   rest
5  Full    reve  - rent-ly---y     u   -  pon       their knee,
6  Sing    prais - es   to---o     our    heaven  - ly    Lord

   G7   C      Am    G      G7   C    G     F     C
1  In   fields where they   lay  keep-ing   their sheep
2  And  to     the   earth  it   ga---ave   great light,
3  To   seek   for a king   was  thei-eir   in  - tent
4  And  there  it    did    both sto--op    and   stay
5  And  of  -  fered there  in   Hi---is    pre - sence
6  That hath   made  heaven and  e----earth of    naught

   G7     C        G9    C---F    G7    C     G7   C
1  On a   cold win-ter's ni--ight that  was   so   deep
2  And    so  it   con - tin-ued  both  day   and  night.
3  And to follow   the   sta-ar   wher -ever  it   went.
4  Right  over     the   pla-ace  where Je  - sus  lay.
5  Their  gold     and   my--yrrh and   frank-in - cense.
6  And    with     His   blo-ood  man - kind  hath bought.

   G7 C  Am Em  C  F     C--G
   No-el no-el! No-el no-el!

   Am   G   F   C--F   G7 C  G7 C
   Born is  the Ki-ing of Is-ra-el

O Holy Night

C F C O holy night, the stars are brightly shining; G7 C It is the night of the dear Savior s birth! C F C Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Em B7 Em Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth. G7 C A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices, G7 C For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Am Em Dm Am Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! C G7 C F C G7 C O night divine, O night when Christ was born! G7 C F C G7 C O night divine!, O night, O night divine! C F C Led by the light of faith serenely beaming, G7 C With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand. C F C So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming, Em B7 Em Here came the wise men from Orient land. G7 C The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger, G7 C In all our trials born to be our friend! Am Em Dm Am Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! C G7 C F C G7 C O night divine, O night when Christ was born! G7 C F C G7 C O night divine!, O night, O night divine! C F C Truly He taught us to love one another; G7 C His law is love and His Gospel is peace. C F C Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother Em B7 Em And in His Name all oppression shall cease. G7 C Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, G7 C Let all within us praise His holy Name! Am Em Dm Am Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we, C G7 C F C G7 C His power and glory ever more proclaim! G7 C F C G7 C His power and glory ever more proclaim! Am Em Dm Am Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices! C G7 C F C G7 C O night divine, O night when Christ was born! G7 C F C G7 C O night divine!, O night, O night divine!


Words: Edmund H. Sears Tune: Carol, Richard S. White A C# D A D A 1 It came u - pon the mid - night clear, 2 And ye, be -neath life's crush -ing load, 3 For lo! the days are hasten-ing on, D B7 E 1 That glorious song of old, 2 Whose forms are bending low, 3 By prophet bards of old, A C# D A D A 1 From an - gels bending near the earth, 2 Who toil a - long the climb-ing way 3 When with the ever - circ -ling years Bm7 E7 A 1 To touch their harps of gold: 2 With painful steps and slow, 3 Shall come the time fore-told, C# C#7 F#m C# F#m 1 "Peace on the earth, good will to men," 2 Look, now! for glad and gold -en hours 3 When the new heaven and earth shall own F#m7 E B7 E E7 1 From heaven's all-gracious King. 2 Come swiftly on the wing: 3 The Prince of Peace their King A C# D A D A 1 The world in solemn still-ness lay, 2 O rest be - side the wea - ry load, 3 And the whole world give back the song Bm7 E7 A 1 To hear the angels sing! 2 And hear the angels sing! 3 Which now the angels sing!

Deck the Halls

D                   Bm
Deck the halls with boughs of holly, 
A7          D      A     D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
D              Bm
Tis the season to be jolly, 
A7          D      A     D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
A7             D
Don we now our gay apparel, 
D        Bm        A  E7 A
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
D                 Bm
Troll the ancient Yuletide carol, 
G        D         D  A7 D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 

D               Bm
See the blazing Yule before us, 
A7          D      A     D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
D                   Bm
Strike the harp and join the chorus, 
A7          D      A     D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
A7           D
Follow me in merry measure,
D        Bm        A  E7 A
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
D                Bm
While I tell the Yuletide treasure, 
G        D         D  A7 D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 

D             Bm
Fast away the old year passes, 
A7          D      A     D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
D                Bm
Hail the new, ye lads and lasses, 
A7          D      A     D
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
A7             D
Sing we joyous all together, 
D        Bm        A  E7 A
Fa la la la la, la la la la 
D               Bm
Heedless of the wind and weather, 
G        D         D  A7 D
Fa la la la la, la la la la

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

E A We wish you a Merry Christmas F#m B We wish you a Merry Christmas G#m C#m A B E We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. CHORUS: E B C#m B F# B Good tidings we bring to you and your kin E B A B E Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. E A Now, bring us a figgy pudding F#m B Oh, bring us a figgy pudding G#m C#m A B E Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer. E A We won't go until we get some F#m B We won't go until we get some G#m C#m A B E We won't go until we get some, so, bring some right here. CHORUS: E B C#m B F# B Good tidings we bring to you and your kin E B A B E Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year E A We wish you a Merry Christmas F#m B We wish you a Merry Christmas G#m C#m A B E We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. G#m C#m A B E We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Feliz Navidad

D G A Feliz Navidad, A D Feliz Navidad, D G A D Feliz Navidad, próspero ano y felicidad. D G A Feliz Navidad, A D Feliz Navidad, D G A D Feliz Navidad, próspero ano y felicidad. D G I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, A D I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, Bm G I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, A D from the bottom of my heart. D G A Feliz Navidad, A D Feliz Navidad, D G A D Feliz Navidad, próspero ano y felicidad. D G A Feliz Navidad, A D Feliz Navidad, D G A D Feliz Navidad, próspero ano y felicidad. D G I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, A D I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, Bm G I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas, A D from the bottom of my heart.

Sleigh Ride

Johnny Mathis
G               C            Am        Dm        G        C    Am  Dm      G 
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too         Come on, it's 
C      Am            Dm            G           C     Am    Eb    G
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,           Outside the 
C       Am          Dm          G           C     Am   Dm      G 
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"         Come on, it's 
C      Am            Dm            G           C
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.  

      F#m                 B7           E                    E6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
F#m7              B7            E 
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Em7                 A7             D                 D6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Dm                                       G7     Dm7   G7 
    We're gliding along with a song of a wintry fairy land.

               C        Am       Dm    G        C    Am   Dm       G 
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we           We're snuggled 
C    Am          Dm         G             C  Am   Eb      G  
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that 
C      Am          Dm     G         C   Am  Dm      G7 
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
C      Am            Dm            G7          C 
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

          Gmaj7                                Em 
There's a birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray
      Cmaj7                      Em7     Am 
It'll be the perfect ending to a perfect day
         C                    F       G        Em    E7     Am 
We'll be singing the songs we love to sing without a single stop,
       E         Fm7      F#m7      B         E 
At the fireplace while we watch the chestnuts pop. 
Dm   Dm/B G 
Pop! pop! pop!  
          Gmaj7                                  Em 
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy,
          Cmaj7                                     Am7 
When they pass around the chocolate and the pumpkin pie
      C                F       G        Em   E7     Am 
It'll nearly be like a picture print by Currier and Ives
Dm7                                                                    G7
     These wonderful things are the things we remember all through our lives!
G               C            Am        Dm        G        C    Am  Dm      G 
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too         Come on, it's 
C      Am            Dm            G           C     Am    Eb    G
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you,           Outside the 
C       Am          Dm          G           C     Am   Dm      G 
snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoohoo,"         Come on, it's 
C      Am            Dm            G           C
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.  

      F#m                 B7           E                    E6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up,let's go,    Let's look at the show,
F#m7              B7            E 
We're riding in a wonderland of snow.
      Em7                 A7              D                 D6
Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, it's grand, Just holding your hand,
Dm                                       G7     Dm7   G7 
    We're gliding along with a song of a wintry fairy land.

               C        Am       Dm    G        C    Am   Dm       G 
Our cheeks are nice and rosy and comfy cozy are we           We're snuggled 
C    Am          Dm         G             C  Am   Eb      G  
up together like birds of a feather would be          Let's take that 
C      Am          Dm     G         C   Am  Dm      G7 
road before us and sing a chorus or two        Come on, it's
C      Am            Dm            G7          C   Am    Dm   G7
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.
C      Am            Dm            G7          C
lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

A7 D6 D9 G G/B D DM7 F#7 G It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. Em7 G/B A7 DM7 F#m B7 Take a look in the five and ten, glistening once again, E7 Cdim Bm7-5 E7 A7 With candy canes and silver lanes aglow. A7 D6 D9 G G/B D DM7 F#7 G It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, toys in every store, E7 Bm7-5 A7 Fdim D F#m B7 But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be B7/F# G A7 D G D On your own front door. Bridge: DM7 F#7 C#m7-5 Bm7-5 F#7 A pair of Hop-a-long boots and a pistol that shoots F#7 C#m7-5 Bm Are the wishes of Barney and Ben. E7 Fdim Bm7-5 E7 Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk Bm7-5 Fdim A7 Is the hope of Janice and Jen. A AM7 A7 A7/6 Em7 Fdim A7 And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again. A7 D6 D9 G G/B D DM7 F#7 G It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. Em7 G/B A7 DM7 F#m B7 There's a tree in the grand hotel, one in the park as well -- E7 Cdim Bm7-5 E7 A7 The sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow. A7 D6 D9 G G/B D DM7 F#7 G It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, soon the bells will start. E7 Bm7-5 A7 Fdim D F#m B7 And the thing that will make them ring is the carol that you sing B7/F# G A7 F#7 B7 G A7 D Right within your heart, right within your heart.

Jingle Bells

F Bb Dashing through the snow, in a one-horse open sleigh, Gm C7 F O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bb Bells on bob-tails ring, making spirits bright, Gm F C7 F C7 What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight. Oh! ~Chorus~ F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride G7 C7 In a one-horse open sleigh, hey! F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride C7 F In a one-horse open sleigh F Bb A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride Gm C7 F And soon Miss Fanny Bright was seated by my side Bb The horse was lean and lank, Misfortune seemed his lot Gm F C7 F C7 We ran into a drifted bank and there we got upsot. Oh! F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride G7 C7 In a one-horse open sleigh, hey! F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride C7 F In a one-horse open sleigh F Bb A day or two ago, the story I must tell Gm C7 F I went out on the snow and on my back I fell Bb A gent was riding by in a one-horse open sleigh Gm F C7 F C7 He laughed at me as I there lay but quickly drove away. Oh! F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride G7 C7 In a one-horse open sleigh, hey! F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride C7 F In a one-horse open sleigh F Bb Now the ground is white, go it while you're young Gm C7 F Take the girls along and sing this sleighing song Bb Just bet a bobtailed bay, Two forty as his speed Gm F C7 F C7 Hitch him to an open sleigh and crack! You'll take the lead. Oh! F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride G7 C7 In a one-horse open sleigh, hey! F Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Bb F O what fun it is to ride C7 F In a one-horse open sleigh


Intro: D C#m Bm A You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen D C#m Bm A Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen F#m Bm But do you recall B7 E7 The most famous reindeer of all? Verse 1: A Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer E Had a very shiny nose E And if you ever saw it A You would even say it glows A All of the other reindeer E Used to laugh and call him names E They never let poor Rudolph A Join in any reindeer games Bridge: D A Then one foggy Christmas Eve Bm A Santa came to say: E "Rudolph with your nose so bright B7 E7 Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" A Then how the reindeer loved him. E As they shouted out with glee: E "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer A You'll go down in history"


[Intro] G Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump, D7 Look at Frosty go. Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump, G over the hills of snow...Oh...Oh...over the hills of snow. [Verse 1] G C G Frosty the Snow Man, was a jolly happy soul C G With a corn-cob pipe and a button nose D G and two eyes made out of coal. [Verse 2] G C G Frosty the Snow Man, is a fairy tale they say C G He was made of snow but the children know C D7 G how he came to life one day. [Bridge] C Bm Am G There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found, D Dbdim Em D For when they put it on his head he began to dance around. [Verse 3] G C G Oh, Frosty the Snow Man was alive as he could be, C G And the children say he could laugh and play C D7 G just the same as you and me. [Verse 4] G C G Frosty the Snow Man,' knew the sun was hot that day, C G So he said, "Let's run and we'll have some fun C D7 G now before I melt away." [Verse 5] G C G Down to the village, with a broomstick in his hand, C G Running here and there all around the square, C D7 G saying "Catch me if you can." [Bridge 2] C Bm Am G He led them down the streets of town right to the traffic cop, D Dbdim Em D And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler, "Stop!" [Verse 6] G C G Frosty the Snow Man had to hurry on his way, C G But he waved good-bye, saying, "Don't you cry; C D7 G I'll be back again some day." [Ending] G Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump, D7 Look at Frosty go. Thumpety thump thump, thumpety thump thump, G over the hills of snow...Oh...Oh...over the hills of snow.

Jolly Old St. Nicholas

F C Dm A Jolly old St. Nicholas, Lean your ear this way! Dm F G7 C Don’t you tell a single soul, What I’m going to say; F C Dm A Christmas Eve is coming soon; Now, you dear old man, Dm F C F Whisper what you’ll bring to me: Tell me if you can. When the clock is striking twelve, When I'm fast asleep, Down the chimney broad and black, With your pack you'll creep; All the stockings you will find Hanging in a row; Mine will be the shortest one, You'll be sure to know. F C Dm A Johnny wants a pair of skates, Susy wants a dolly; Dm F G7 C Nellie wants a story book; She thinks dolls are folly; F C Dm A As for me, my little brain isn’t very bright; Dm F C F Choose for me, old Santa Claus. What you think is right.

Blue Christmas

Elvis Presley


[Verse 1]

         E              B7
I have a blue Christmas without you
           B7                  E
I'll be so blue just thinking about you
     E         E7        A
Decorations of red, on a green Christmas tree
F#7                        B7
won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me.

[Verse 2]

               E                      B7
And when those blue snow flakes start falling,
                  B7                  E
that's when those blue memories start calling,
          E       E7               A            Bbdim7
you'll be doing alright, with your Christmas of white,
    B7                    E      
but I'll have a blue blue Christmas.


              E                B7
Ohh, ohh, ohh Ahhh   Ahh ahh a ahh ohhhh
          B7                   E    
ohh, ohh, ohh Ahhhhh Ahh ahh a ahh ohhhh
          E        E7              A            Bbdim7
You'll be doing allright with your Christmas of white
    B7                    E
but I'll have a blue blue Christmas


Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Brenda Lee - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

(Original Key: G#)


G  Em, C  D

Verse 1:

G                                          D7
 Rockin' around the Christmas tree, at the Christmas party hop.
Am7        D7         Am7     D7         Am7    D7       G
 Mistletoe hung where you can see; every couple wants to stop.

Verse 2:

G                                           D7
 Rockin' around the Christmas tree; let the Christmas spirit ring.
Am7          D7        Am7     D7             Am7     D7   G
 Later we'll have some pumpkin pie, and we'll do some caro-ling.

Bridge 1:

C                           Bm
 You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Em      Em/maj    Em7             A7 (n.C)            D7
 Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 3:

G                                          D7
 Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Am7       D7      Am7   D7         Am7     D7        G
 Ev'ryone dancing merri-ly, in the new old-fashioned way.


G  D7, Am7  D7, Am  D7, Am  D7, G (x2)

Bridge 2:

C                           Bm
 You will get a sentimental feeling, when you hear;
Em      Em/maj    Em7             A7 (n.C)            D7
 Voices singing; "let's be jolly; deck the halls with boughs of holly".

Verse 4:

G                                          D7
 Rockin' around the Christmas tree, have a happy holiday.
Am7       D7      Am7   D7         D7  D7/D# D7/E D7/F#   G    Em  C  G
 Ev'ryone dancing merri-ly, in the new old-  fa - shioned way...

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

|C  Am  |Dm    |C    |G    |

[Verse 1]
   C                        F
You better watch out, you'd better not cry,
   C                       F
you'd better not pout, I'm telling you why,
C     Am       Dm     G   C      G
Santa Claus is coming to town. (Gather 'round)
       C               F
He's making a list and checking it twice,
C                      F               C     Am       Dm    G   C
gonna find out who's naughty and nice, Santa Claus is coming to town.

[Bridge 1]
    F                                                       F7
He sees you when you're sleeping, and he knows when you're awake
     D7                 G                  D7                G     G7
he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. Oh
      C                       F
you'd better watch out, you'd better not cry,
      C                   F                C     Am       Dm    G   C
you'd better not pout I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town.

[Verse 2]
       C                  F
With little tin horns and little toy drums,
       C                    F
with root-ti-toot-toots and rummy-tum-tums.
C     Am       Dm    G   C    G
Santa Claus is coming to town.
      C                      F
And curley-haired dolls that cuddle and coo,
C                    F
elephants, boats and kiddy-cars too.
C     Am       Dm    G   C
Santa Claus is coming to town.

[Bridge 1]
    F                                                       F7
He sees you when you're sleeping, and he knows when you're awake
     D7                 G                  D7                G     G7
he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. Oh
      C                       F
you'd better watch out, you'd better not cry,
      C                   F                C     Am       Dm    G   C
you'd better not pout I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town.

[Verse 2]
       C                  F
With little tin horns and little toy drums,
       C                    F
with root-ti-toot-toots and rummy-tum-tums.
C     Am       Dm    G   C    G
Santa Claus is coming to town.
      C                      F
And curley-haired dolls that cuddle and coo,
C                    F
elephants, boats and kiddy-cars too.
C     Am       Dm    G   C
Santa Claus is coming to town.

[Bridge 1]
    F                                                       F7
He sees you when you're sleeping, and he knows when you're awake
     D7                 G                  D7                G     G7
he knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. Oh
      C                       F
you'd better watch out, you'd better not cry,
      C                   F                C     Am       Dm    G   C      G
you'd better not pout I'm telling you why, Santa Claus is coming to town.
C     Am       Dm    G   C
Santa Claus is coming to town.

Let it Snow

Verse 1: D A7 D Oh, the weather outside is frightful, D Fdim A7 But the fire is so delightful, Em B7 Em And since we've no place to go, A7 D Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Verse 2: D A7 D It doesn't show signs of stopping, D Fdim A7 And I brought some corn for popping Em B7 Em The lights are turned way down low, A7 D Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Bridge: A When we finally kiss good night, Bm E7 A How I'll hate going out in the storm; A But if you really hold me tight, B7 E7 A7 All the way home I'll be warm. Verse 3: D A7 D The fire is slowly dying, D Fdim A7 And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing, Em B7 Em But as long as you love me so. A7 D Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

White Christmas

Bing Crosby
Bing Crosby - White Christmas

 /A   /     / Bm  E/  
A    D   D/C#  Cm7b5  Bm    E        E7
I’m dreaming  of a white Christmas,
D             Bm     E       A     Bm  E
Just like the ones I used to know.
      A         A7
Where tree tops glisten,
    D        Dm
And Children listen,
    A   D      D/C#  F#m7     Bm   E   E7
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.

A    D  D/C# Cm7b5  Bm    E        E7
 I’m dreaming of a white Christmas,
D          Bm        E      A       D
With every Christmas card I write.
         A       A7        D      Dm
May your days be merry and bright,
         A  F#m7     Bm   E        A
And may all your Christmases be white.


The Christmas Song

A Bm7 C#m Dmaj7 D/B Chestnuts roasting on an open fire A Em7 / A7 Dmaj7 D/G Jack Frost nipping at your nose A G7 A Ebm7 D7 Yuletide carols being sung by a choir C#m Dm7 G7 Cmaj7 Bm7 Dm A And folks dressed up like Eskimos...... everybody knows Bm7 C#m Dmaj7 D/B a turkey and some mistletoe A Em7 / Em7/A Dmaj7 Dmaj7/G Help to make the season bright A G7 A Ebm7 D7 Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow C#m Cmaj Bm7 Dm A Will find it hard to sleep to - night Em7 A7 Dmaj7 They know that Santa's on his way Em7 A7 Dmaj7 He's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh Dm7 G7 Cmaj7 And every mother's child is gonna spy B7 E7 To see if reindeer really know how to fly A Bm7 C#m Dmaj7 Dmaj7/B And so I'm offering this simple phrase A Em7 / Em7/A Dmaj7 Dmaj7/G To kids from one to ninety-two A G7 A Ebm7 D7 Although it's been said many times, many ways C#m Cmaj7 Bm7 E7 / A Merry Christmas........... to.. you


Words: Joseph Mohr, trans. John F. Young Tune: Stille Nacht, Franz Gruber G--G6 G G* G--G6 G G* 1 Si-i -lent night, ho-o -ly night, 2 Si-i -lent night, ho-o -ly night, 3 Si-i -lent night, ho-o -ly night, 4 Si-i -lent night, ho-o -ly night, D D7 G G G/A G/B 1 All is calm, all is bright 2 Shepherds quake at the sight. 3 Son of God, love's pure light 4 Wondrous star, lend thy light; C C* C(b5) C G G6 G G* 1 Round yon vi-ir - gin mo-ther and child! 2 Glories stream from heaven afar 3 Radiant beams from Thy holy face, 4 With angels let us sing C C* C(b5) C G G6 G G* 1 Holy In-fant so ten-der and mild, 2 Heavenly hosts sing alleluia; 3 With the dawn of redeeming grace, 4 Alleluia to our King; D D7 G (G** - optional) 1 Sleep in heavenly peace, 2 Christ the Savior is born! 3 Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, 4 Christ the Savior is born, (G) D7 G 1 Sleep in heavenly peace. 2 Christ the Savior is born! 3 Jesus, Lord at Thy birth. 4 Christ the Savior is born. Chord Voicings: G: 320033 C: X23010 G6: 320030 C*: X32013 G*: 320003 C(b5): X32012 D: XX0232 G**: XX9787 D7: XX0212 G/A: X00033 G/B: X20033